Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder

Conferences and Performances

10 May 2022, 15:00 p.m.

HTTP Can Do That?!

I realized recently I've never blogged about the best tech talk I've ever given and one of my favorite performances: "HTTP Can Do That?!: A collection of bad ideas" from PyCon US 2016 in Portland, …

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16 Dec 2021, 12:30 p.m.

Links and Notes: Poverty and Wealth Inequality in Scifi

Earlier today I spoke as a panellist at WorldCon (DisCon III), in the virtual session "Poverty and Wealth Inequality in Science Fiction." (I was a late addition.) I shared several links so I figured I'd …

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03 Jul 2021, 16:45 p.m.

Researching The Leadership Gap for Legacy Projects

I've given a lot of conference talks recently. As part of the PyCon US Maintainers' Summit in May, I delivered an eight-minute talk, "Researching the leadership gap for legacy projects". The video is now available, …

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07 Jun 2021, 17:28 p.m.

Sidestepping the PR Bottleneck: Four Non-Dev Ways To Support Your Upstreams

This is the textual version of my June 7 2021 online talk at Upstream Live: "Sidestepping the PR Bottleneck: Four Non-Dev Ways To Support Your Upstreams", 23 minutes. Video is now up. Intro Hi, I’m …

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19 May 2021, 16:49 p.m.

Upcoming Talks Plus Stand-up Comedy

In May and June I'll perform some comedy and I'll speak on open source management and investment! WisCon is going to be online this year, and on Saturday, May 29th, 7pm CDT/8pm EDT, I'll serve …

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07 May 2021, 10:23 a.m.

Upcoming Talks - Including A Livechat Today

As I just mentioned in my email newsletter: Today! I'll chat on Tidelift's Free as in Fridays livestream, May 7th at 4pm EDT/20:00 UTC, in a one-hour live conversation about open source maintainership and my …

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06 May 2021, 15:12 p.m.

What Would Open Source Look Like If It Were Healthy? Video & Transcript

In late March I spoke in the GitHub Office of the CTO Speaker Series (online): "What Would Open Source Look Like If It Were Healthy?" When I think about open source sustainability, I think about …

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16 Mar 2021, 20:18 p.m.

MozFest 2021 Followup: Apply for Grants To Fund Open Source Work

This session was in two parts: a fifteen-minute video (a remix of the session I delivered at PyOhio, with five additional minutes of material) a one-hour discussion The additional material in the MozFest video (slides, …

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12 Mar 2021, 15:25 p.m.

MozFest 2021 Followup: How To Get A Project Unstuck

This one-hour discussion session covered some of the same material as my Linux.Conf.Au 2021 lecture, on "How To Get A Project Unstuck -- And Fixing The Skill Gaps That Got Us Here" (outline and links; …

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08 Mar 2021, 14:56 p.m.

Upcoming Talks in March and April

I'm planning to deliver four talks or sessions in the next several weeks. MozFest 2021 (online, has already begun): one session tomorrow and one day after tomorrow! "How To Get A Project Unstuck" (discussion, 2021-03-09 …

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