Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder


12 Jun 2023, 14:05 p.m.

Argument Clinic Video Plus Other Miscellany

It's been a busy time. I travelled a bunch in April and May, and June is a respite before I do more travel in July, including family stuff plus Readercon mid-month. I'm trying to get …

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15 Apr 2023, 23:50 p.m.

Rest In Peace, Nagalakshmi Harihareswara

Sadly, my mother died earlier this year. I'm hoping to write more about her in the months to come, but right now I'm just going to publish her obituary. As I said when my father …

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03 Apr 2023, 21:15 p.m.

Teaching, Entitlement, And The Verb "Need"

Sometimes I attend a singing group here in New York City, when I can do so with COVID risk mitigations.The other day, I participated. I didn't know the songs, and sometimes I had a bit …

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14 Jun 2022, 20:30 p.m.

Mourning Marina Zhurakhinskaya

I’m very sad to learn and share the news that Marina Zhurakhinskaya has died of breast cancer. It looks like there will be a livestreamed memorial service tomorrow (Wednesday) which I hope to watch. These …

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12 Jun 2022, 12:00 p.m.

"An Edit"

One of my closest friends here in New York City has a newborn and I've been coming by to help out when I can. I've gotten quite a lot better at changing dirty diapers, but …

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02 Jul 2021, 12:56 p.m.

A Comedy Memory

I'm having trouble getting started on things I ought to do today, so here's a story I think I've never told here before. In early 2011, I travelled to San Francisco for work, and one …

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05 May 2021, 9:56 a.m.

Fatigue And Adaptability

In my dream last night, I was in an in-person work meeting. And then, halfway through, we started talking about how badly we were coping with the strains of the pandemic. After each person spoke, …

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21 Apr 2021, 11:20 a.m.


Today is my fifteenth wedding anniversary! Leonard and I got engaged on 18 April 2006 and then married on 21 April 2006. For our tenth wedding anniversary we visited Paris. While there we visited the …

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07 Apr 2021, 13:07 p.m.

Painstakingly Reminding Myself How To Play

  This is a little bit about how free-range learners in programming assess our own skill levels and choose what to learn next. But it's also a response to my own insecurity, and to the …

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05 Apr 2021, 12:41 p.m.


I'm in the process of working with a contractor to overhaul my personal and professional websites. Thus, I have been thinking about my brand (oh how I want to put distancing quotation marks around that …

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