Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder


24 Apr 2022, 22:15 p.m.

How I Thought About an In-Person Conference Choice

Will I go to PyCon in person this year? Today is the day I decided whether to go; I had booked plane tickets and a hotel room, and was running out of time to cancel …

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03 Jul 2021, 17:32 p.m.

Some Novel Python Packaging/Distribution/Inspection/Installation Projects

People who program in Python have an easier time hearing about package-related tools that have been around for a while and that are under the banner of the Python Packaging Authority, or that are commercially …

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01 Jul 2021, 12:58 p.m.

Software Bill of Materials & the US Federal Government

In February, the United States's President Biden signed an executive order on the US's supply chains; he followed this up with an EO in May specifically concentrating on improving cybersecurity. To quote Tidelift's summary, "in …

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13 Apr 2021, 19:49 p.m.

Python Packaging Tools: Security Work And An Open Position

Two exciting bits of news regarding massively improving how we package, distribute, and install Python software! First: a new grant. New York University (specifically Professor Justin Cappos) and I have successfully asked the US National …

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13 Apr 2021, 16:16 p.m.

Trying to Notice What's Missing

I'm ploughing through some open source project email threads and thinking: In 2010, people got together in Berlin for a Wikimedia developers' meeting .... and then a bunch of them hung around a lot longer …

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30 Sep 2020, 12:24 p.m.

Changes Coming To Pip In October 2020

People who deal with Python: Changes are coming to pip, Python's package installation tool, in October 2020. Please share this migration guide and our video with your circles. SHORT VERSION: I'm working on improving the …

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08 Sep 2020, 22:13 p.m.

Breaking Release Bottlenecks -- What Changeset Can Do

I did some volunteer work earlier this year, helping rejuvenate pipenv (a command-line tool that some people use to help handle Python packages they make and use). Here's what I did, how long it took, …

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28 Aug 2020, 16:20 p.m.

Apply For Grants To Fund Open Source Work, and Career Thoughts

Apply For Grants To Fund Open Source Work When I tell people about grants they could get to help fund work on open source software projects, sometimes they are surprised because they didn't know such …

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27 Apr 2020, 18:00 p.m.

Remote Sprint Tips

Every year, many developers of Python (the language itself, not just stuff written in Python) get together for a sprint. This year it will probably be virtual. How should that work? I offered to share …

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21 Apr 2020, 12:18 p.m.


Today is our wedding anniversary. Instead of going out for a nice dinner, we'll .... do something at home. Maybe we'll remember a bunch of nice memories from the last fourteen years. Maybe we'll go …

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