Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder


07 Jul 2014, 10:10 a.m.

If You Log In To Wikipedia You Can Customize A Bunch Of Stuff

I bet most people reading this often read Wikipedia articles but don't log in. That's fine. I love that you don't have to register to read or edit. But here are a few reasons you …

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30 May 2014, 1:50 a.m.

Citations and Links for My WCUSA Keynote

In a few hours, I'm giving the opening keynote address at Wiki Conference USA. Here are some links and citations for sources I'll be referring to. Engineering learning styles and educational psychology research by Mel …

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13 May 2014, 15:24 p.m.

Dipping My Toes Into PHP

This week, alumni like me get to spend time at Hacker School. Since I work on MediaWiki-related documentation and I've never programmed in PHP before, I decided to start understanding just enough PHP to be …

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23 Apr 2014, 16:54 p.m.

A Change Of Roles

I did open source community management for MediaWiki for about three years. At first, in 2011, I was an individual contributor (see my February 2012 post "What Does A Volunteer Development Coordinator Do?"). After several …

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05 Mar 2014, 23:25 p.m.

Open Source Jobs (We're Hiring)

The Wikimedia Foundation, which employs me, is hiring, a lot. We need your help to: write code to try new ways to encourage people to edit Wikipedia (Growth engineer) keep our users' data safe (operations …

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26 Feb 2014, 18:10 p.m.

Some Help for New Open Source People

Wikimedia is participating in this year's Google Summer of Code internships and Outreach Program for Women. This week we are seeing a bunch of new folks try to learn how to navigate the world of …

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14 Jan 2014, 12:20 p.m.

Hidden Jewels of the RFC or PEP Process

I've been looking into other open source projects' processes for making big architectural changes, to help improve MediaWiki's process. Some have Requests for Comment processes, separate from normal bug/enhancement tickets. Some don't. Some have voting, …

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30 Nov 2013, 17:37 p.m.

Round Seven of OPW

Congratulations to all six of the Wikimedia's chosen participants in the current round of FOSS Outreach Program for Women internships. I'm especially glad I was able to help Maria Pacana and Be Birchall, my colleagues …

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15 Nov 2013, 14:44 p.m.

Code4Lib, Open Data, Open Access, and Fighting Systemic Bias

"Missing from Wikipedia" (code) makes me happy. I presented about it yesterday at Hacker School, asked a fellow HSer to discuss his critique of my code, and - live! on stage! - merged his pull …

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13 Nov 2013, 7:38 a.m.

Missing From Wikipedia: Tool to Help Fight Systemic Bias

This week I wrote a tool I currently call "missing from Wikipedia" although the name may change. You feed it a list of people's names and the language Wikipedia you want to check, and it …

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