26 Jan 2010, 11:18 a.m.

Like A Focus Group, But Useful

Rachel, Kevan, Holly, other Londoners - Canonical will pay you to come by and test a chat program this week or next.

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25 Jan 2010, 14:17 p.m.

Turn Style

"Is that your MetroCard?" "Yeah, it has 50 cents on it." [examining magstripe] "Oh, I didn't know you could put music on these now."

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24 Jan 2010, 12:07 p.m.

Like The Producers Even Care What I Think

New season of Project Runway is happening. Last week's challenge (make a nice party look OUT OF BURLAP SACKS) provoked decent innovation, which pleases me. But I predict that no more than 20% of the …

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24 Jan 2010, 10:06 a.m.

Upcoming FOSDEM & UK Travel

I'm going to FOSDEM, the Free and Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting, the first weekend in February. (Something like twenty of my Collabora colleagues will be there, including some I've never met before.) I've …

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22 Jan 2010, 21:43 p.m.

Ask Your Doctor If Herring And Sweet Potato Pie Is Right For You

I actually knocked off work at a reasonable hour today, after some useful conversations with colleagues. Then I cleaned up a bit and decided to tackle a few clothes that needed minor mending. Beth came …

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21 Jan 2010, 12:52 p.m.

Tales of the Unexpected

Remember Thoughtcrime Experiments? A scifi/fantasy anthology that Leonard and I put together early last year and published in the spring of 2009? The TE email address just received two submissions. On the same day. About …

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18 Jan 2010, 17:00 p.m.

For Smiles' Sake

Some things that have made me happy recently: the BBC's Ask About Britain podcast (straightforward 6-minute explanations of Eton, bargaining, choosing a husband, &c.); "The Sake Period" from the You Look Nice Today podcast; and …

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16 Jan 2010, 13:34 p.m.

Nineteen Letters

Keep those name misunderstanding stories coming! From the comments: I'm especially amazed that "Sarah" turns into "Sharon" and thoroughly enjoy "Mir. Like the space station." Together with your wife Kat, you're a meerkat! I seem …

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16 Jan 2010, 11:18 a.m.

My Worst Inhibitions

As a Christmas gift, Leonard got us the DVDs of the first three seasons of Psych. We're in season three or so. Some observations: Wow the pilot feels way different from the rest of the …

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14 Jan 2010, 14:49 p.m.

Some Recent Collabora Open Source Development

Has it been three months since I provided a snapshot of Collaborans' open source work? Too long! Here's a taste of our work from the end of 2009 & the start of this year (and …

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