13 Aug 2008, 15:38 p.m.

Pi Con

3Pi-Con, a week and a half from now in western Massachusetts, seems very cool. Do I know anyone who's going?

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10 Aug 2008, 22:44 p.m.

A Salt And Buttery

It's odd, trying to decompress from a month spent in involuntary government service. In its most asinine moments it was like the stereotypical nerd-stuck-in-high-school social boredom/drama. You're trapped, with people you didn't choose, and others …

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03 Aug 2008, 22:33 p.m.


L. Sprague de Camp's entertaining Lest Darkness Fall moves really fast. This is probably true even if you haven't just read a 900-page Neal Stephenson novel. I nearly mentioned Lest Darkness Fall in my brain …

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01 Aug 2008, 18:50 p.m.


Today we watched I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry again, because people tried and disliked Perfume and the original Night of the Living Dead. My Connie Willis novel, Lincoln's Dreams, disappointed mightily; it would …

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31 Jul 2008, 22:12 p.m.

Further Reports

My jury seems to have settled into watching Adam Sandler movies while waiting for Assistant District Attorneys to show up and occupy our time. Better Sandler movies, which merely confirm existing prejudices, than vigilante/rogue cop …

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30 Jul 2008, 18:20 p.m.

Group Dynamics Were Never My Strong Suit

Bought today at the hardware store: new construction-grade earplugs (with baffles) and earmuffs. Together they should reduce incoming sound by 45 decibels. Will that keep me from hearing Adam Sandler movies and loud vulgar conversations …

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30 Jul 2008, 8:47 a.m.

Service, Cont.

Jury duty continues. Yesterday I called myself a prude and was called a prune. It all works out.

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26 Jul 2008, 12:22 p.m.

If Only

Leonard reported seeing a guy with an Open Planning Project tee moving into our building. I garbed myself in my oldest EFF tee and went to welcome him. Turned out he was just helping a …

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25 Jul 2008, 16:57 p.m.

Waiter Rant Book Signing

Who wants to come with me to Tuesday's book signing by the author of Waiter Rant?

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22 Jul 2008, 22:24 p.m.

Check The Contrast

I am Cinderella!

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