01 Dec 2007, 14:55 p.m.

No Way That's Ruby On Rails

You Know You're A Geek When you see a trailer for Untraceable and immediately wonder what sort of infrastructure can scale like that. Also, the government could just make up a copyright infringement claim and …

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29 Nov 2007, 10:52 a.m.

Great For Those Icebreaker Games

Do you keep a list of unusual things you've done? Even just mentally? For me, that list just got an item longer. Danced with an Elvis impersonator Gotten booed by thousands of people (twice!) Translated …

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26 Nov 2007, 15:24 p.m.


I'm back from Thanksgiving break but still off-kilter. I have tons of work to do before December 22 (my chapter 2 defense for my master's thesis) and that induces nervousness. However, last night I watched …

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26 Nov 2007, 15:18 p.m.

Health And Art

I hate owing more than one blog entry to someone. One seems reasonable, two seems sloppy. So here's the first of a couple responses to my old pal Zed Lopez -- improvisateur, author of the …

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24 Nov 2007, 21:51 p.m.

The Other Shoe Drops

Garry Kasparov jailed. Putin doesn't so much care for protests, rallies, etc. a week before elections. So, beaten and jailed for "organizing an unsanctioned protest and resisting arrest." Bitter laughter ensues.

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23 Nov 2007, 23:19 p.m.


We didn't do a thanksgiving ritual yesterday, and I think that was a mistake, because this evening I got really aggravated over the kind of things I probably won't remember in a few weeks. However, …

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20 Nov 2007, 16:46 p.m.


Headed to the comic book store to pick up MAD Magazine and found new trades of She-Hulk and Ex Machina, yay.

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16 Nov 2007, 10:19 a.m.

Recent Math/Science Triumphs Include

Finally getting to recursion in How to Design Programs, just after doing a 3-D distance calculation and discovering that my Pythagorean theorem intuition still held (the distance from zero in exercise 9.1.3 is the square …

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15 Nov 2007, 22:01 p.m.

What Slash Taught Me About "Stephen Colbert"

You might think that I began reading Stephen Colbert fan fiction because the writers' strike is keeping his show off the air.* But it was two weeks ago that I started seeking it out. I'd …

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14 Nov 2007, 11:42 a.m.

Software For You

As of this week, Miro 1.0 is out. Miro is a neat program that lets you download YouTube and Google Video clips to your hard drive so you can watch them whenever you want. You …

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