01 Oct 2006, 17:29 p.m.

Textbook Example

"When developing a business model, do not forget to think about how this model will generate revenue." -Information Technology: Strategic Decision Making for Managers by Henry C. Lucas, Jr.

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01 Oct 2006, 14:14 p.m.


I took a break from the column to get my bearings with the Master's program. It'll be back next week. My obsession this weekend spilled over into blog posts and into the column.

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01 Oct 2006, 12:50 p.m.


We Can't Be Equal While reminded me: Once I was at a party with a lot of tech folk, and talked a bit with a woman, and one of the things we talked about was …

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01 Oct 2006, 10:09 a.m.


A Malcolm Gladwell blog entry reminds me that domain expertise changes one's perspective mightily. Yesterday I visited the Wired NEXTfest. I stopped by the Pfizer booth because their exhibit on using RFID to secure the …

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30 Sep 2006, 8:54 a.m.

Another Rejected Business Idea

I've lived in a house my parents owned, but it was in sunny Northern California. In less temperate spots (say, Indiana), homeowners have a heck of a lot to remember to do. Courtesy Ben: mortgage …

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29 Sep 2006, 18:35 p.m.


Will Franken blew everyone away last night at the Upright Citizens Brigade theater. Yesterday I got a couple of laughs at the lunch table with, "Well, they don't call it Moderate Programming."

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28 Sep 2006, 10:53 a.m.

Jonathan Coulton

Jonathan Coulton's "Code Monkey" is to Fog Creek this week as Weird Al's "White and Nerdy" is to the entire Internet. I can't forward the latter to anyone because ten innocent acquaintances have already forwarded …

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25 Sep 2006, 23:27 p.m.


Why, why, why did Aaron Sorkin think that Gilbert & Sullivan filk was the way to go? I am the very model of a cringing, disappointed fan. And why are bicker banter scenes not rising …

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25 Sep 2006, 14:53 p.m.


Sometimes I forget that Woot exists. It's a deal a day. And it's a podcast. Today: "I Never Got to Tell You � Dude, You�re Gonna Get Yourself Killed (Song for the Crocodile Hunter)", which …

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24 Sep 2006, 23:20 p.m.

The Science of Sleep

Leonard and I just saw the new Gondry film. He liked it more than I did, although I found it quite beautiful visually. I remember that I used to have more empathy for mentally ill …

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