08 Aug 2005, 11:21 a.m.

Pharmacy Recommend

I really like 450 Sutter Pharmacy. It delivers anywhere within San Francisco (including automatic prescription refills) within a day, and has real live pharmacists on the phone and at the desk. Did I mention that …

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04 Aug 2005, 13:50 p.m.

Day Of Sententious Quotes

From The Big Kahuna: I'm saying you've already done plenty of things to regret, you just don't know what they are. It's when you discover them, when you see the folly in something you've done, …

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04 Aug 2005, 11:42 a.m.

"And the dull pain that you live with / Isn't getting any duller"

My very first week of high school, I leapt up in an English class to defend Star Trek as an embodiment of our hopes for a better future. Does the Trek franchise need me to …

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04 Aug 2005, 11:30 a.m.

I Did Not Choose The Headline

Hostess with the most-ess. Dude. I find myself with two contradictory ethics of hostessing. One, a very rational model, tells me that guests must responsibly learn to express their own needs, as I've learned to. …

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03 Aug 2005, 22:47 p.m.

Trader Joe's Goodness

Am currently eating the frozen mushroom risotto mixed with soy taco filling. It's pretty good.

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03 Aug 2005, 20:06 p.m.

Feeling Really Blah

Had to talk to a customer service person who was condescending, boastful, fake-friendly, nosy, and generally a pain in the ass in a way that ensures they won't get my business. Update: wait, no, she …

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02 Aug 2005, 22:54 p.m.

Mild Wonder

An Indian woman living in the US disliked the last bit of an article I wrote. I'm forming a big ol' post on her criticisms, but for now - there's an Amy defending me in …

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02 Aug 2005, 16:28 p.m.

"Add it up"

I am really glad that Paul Wright pointed me to a bit of non-glurgy inspiration that's akin to Paul Ford's old chestnut about the water boiling. Maybe I should borrow some Violent Femmes. Over the …

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02 Aug 2005, 16:05 p.m.


Heather Havrilesky wrote a light trend piece on guys who care about their appearance that I mildly enjoyed until she started using the second person and the plural first person to castigate these men. I …

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31 Jul 2005, 10:35 a.m.

Mice Are Completely Unfair

How is this fair? The day after I clean the kitchen, I see a mouse. Now I'm stuffing towels in the cracks under my bedroom door as though waiting for firefighters to rescue me from …

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