21 May 2005, 21:16 p.m.

Movie Time

Leonard and I just rented some classics on DVD. Last night we watched The Great Dictator, Charlie Chaplin's great anti-Hitler movie that began production in 1937 and released in 1940. As Kris has pointed out …

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19 May 2005, 8:53 a.m.

Waiting For Hate Mail

This week's MC Masala: "Jesus and Krishna make the 9-to-5 bearable." Oh, the place in the underworld I'd reserve for the truth-fudging whiners who want a refund after the 30-day free trial window closes.

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19 May 2005, 7:18 a.m.


Betty, my orange goldfish of fourteen months, has died. Leonard dug the grave, made the headstone, buried her, and said the eulogy this morning in the rain in the garden. I stood and couldn't say …

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19 May 2005, 6:26 a.m.


Why am I always getting up, every day? Why can't up get me sometimes?

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18 May 2005, 10:34 a.m.

Some Lightsaber Wounds Never Really Heal

Why I'm not a Star Wars fan.

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18 May 2005, 9:14 a.m.

Reason # 1 I Should Have Had A Pet Growing Up

Leonard thinks Betty is not well. I agree with him. I've transferred her to the small tank and have given her smashed-up peas to eat. Leonard is more distraught than I am. I feel sort …

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17 May 2005, 15:02 p.m.

And Just Food, Apparently

KQED has a food blog?

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17 May 2005, 15:01 p.m.

Disclaiming, Declaiming

Brendan, you deserve to know that I had notes for questions to ask in that conversation with Abu-Jaber. Yes, notes. And included among them was the note "jalapeno-cheddar bagel," as borrowed from a Heather Gold …

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16 May 2005, 15:16 p.m.


Rachel C broke it to me: Fox renewed AD! The thought of losing Arrested Development and Star Trek hit me harder than I'd expected. I'm so glad AD is coming back!

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16 May 2005, 12:28 p.m.

MC Masala Bookmarkable Link

If you'd like to link to my columns, you can link to link to this page, which links to the two most recent articles.

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