09 Feb 2005, 14:55 p.m.

My Folksonomic Tag For 43 Things: Deceivers

My colleague Katharine Mieszkowski wrote about folksonomies a few days ago. She mentioned the group goal-setting site 43 Things. A reader told her to look into the relationship between 43 Things and Amazon.com, a huge …

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08 Feb 2005, 12:32 p.m.


Consumer Reports has put out a compare-and-contrast report on the various types of contraceptives on the market today. If you are in a committed, monogamous relationship and you want to prevent pregnancy but don't have …

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07 Feb 2005, 15:12 p.m.

So What If It's In Kenya

I see from the Apple.com trailers site that I can expect Duma to come out soon. It should be about the Russian parliament, but it is not!

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07 Feb 2005, 14:13 p.m.

Don't Wish For A World Without Zinc

Life Lessons in Literature by Margaret Berry makes me happy. I feel mildly ill so I went to Whole Foods and got a pharmacy's worth of placebos and symptom reducers. I got slippery elm lozenges, …

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07 Feb 2005, 9:57 a.m.

Tons Of Cocaine

Today I decided that I should start every workday with the Evolution Control Committee.

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06 Feb 2005, 21:48 p.m.

The Flesh Is Weak

I neither wanted nor needed to keep the mannequin limbs, so I gave them to a friend of a friend and they will probably end up decorating a nightclub. I kept the legs covered with …

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06 Feb 2005, 21:06 p.m.

Cleaning Service RFC

Request For Comment. I'm considering hiring a cleaning service to thoroughly clean a one-bedroom apartment - a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, a small bathroom and a tiny foyer. If you have any experience …

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04 Feb 2005, 8:43 a.m.


"I was just pointing out another reason that I'm right, and I think you should take that in the spirit in which it was intended." "I think I did!"

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02 Feb 2005, 13:02 p.m.

Phew And Yay

Thank God (and the Iraqis) that the Iraqi elections seem to have gone okay. I tear up when I see people voting or when I think about voting. I hope this takes some steam out …

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01 Feb 2005, 18:40 p.m.

Ace of Base, Eat Your Heart Out

As a sucker for Beatles and Beatles-esque music, I have now listened agape to a mash-up of several Beatles songs and this video for a "Paperback Writer"/"I'm a Believer" mix. By the way, the only …

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