16 Mar 2003, 10:57 a.m.

Probably only Steve and I notice the subtle and constant…

Probably only Steve and I notice the subtle and constant change on my home page. Years ago it just said something like "I'm Sumana and you should read Crummy", but now it's a huge human-readable …

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16 Mar 2003, 10:15 a.m.

Call For Comments

How can a dictatorship exist in Iraq when most households own guns? I'm wondering, too -- send the Slate writer your theories.

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16 Mar 2003, 9:58 a.m.

Happy birthday to Rachel (psst: I noticed the purse first),…

Happy birthday to Rachel (psst: I noticed the purse first), who is but a whippersnapper compared to old fogeys such as myself and her brother. As old as I get, as mature and understanding as …

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14 Mar 2003, 18:51 p.m.

I wonder how many weblogs I like are written by…

I wonder how many weblogs I like are written by ex-Mormons. I knew about Adam and Leonard, but Did You Know that Teresa Nielsen Hayden (of Making Light fame) was excommunicated from the Church of …

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14 Mar 2003, 17:05 p.m.

How to Take a Nap

I'm sick. I needed to take a nap and I was a little tired. So I set myself up with tissues and water, and put on a soothing tape of Russian choral music, and tried …

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14 Mar 2003, 11:52 a.m.

I'm a liar. Ullman's book called to me and…

I'm a liar. Ullman's book called to me and I finished it last night. Quite good. Still sick. "Whatever angels call you, go!"

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13 Mar 2003, 21:48 p.m.

Books You Can't Read Yet

Finished Crescent (April) by Diana Abu-Jaber, which is very good. The blurb calls it an Arab-American Like Water For Chocolate, and though I haven't read Like Water that seems right. I laughed and cried and …

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13 Mar 2003, 21:40 p.m.

Sick. Cold. Very demanding nose and violent sneezing…

Sick. Cold. Very demanding nose and violent sneezing in packs of threes, not my usual pairs. Left work early, may skip tomorrow. I've already had my yearly cold, darnit!

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12 Mar 2003, 20:59 p.m.

I'm writing this from my much more functional PC. …

I'm writing this from my much more functional PC. Thanks, Michael. Thanks also to Leonard.

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11 Mar 2003, 17:10 p.m.

From Work

"He's so cute! 'Hi! I'm eager about science!' Like a female Camille Paglia!" "A female Camille Paglia. That's good." and [Leslie eats a hamburger.] Melissa: You should eat hamburgers every day. Me: Wasn't that a …

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