07 Jan 2003, 23:05 p.m.

Parties, work, and other worries. I have no notebook…

Parties, work, and other worries. I have no notebook and feel disoriented. Do tell me if you want to get in on the group discount tickets for the 31st. Coming soon: reviews of many books …

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07 Jan 2003, 0:46 a.m.

I lost my physical notebook, the one Nandini gave me…

I lost my physical notebook, the one Nandini gave me that had the Underground map on the cover. Yes, this is the second notebook loss in three months. On the up side, in virtual notebook …

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05 Jan 2003, 23:09 p.m.

Leonard turned down my enticing offer to 'mix weblogs' by…

Leonard turned down my enticing offer to 'mix weblogs' by posting in each other's steads. It's the new apartment key!

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05 Jan 2003, 23:07 p.m.

Sumana the Sarcasto and Leonard the Logiccini

"The Revolutionary World Tragedy." "Is that KatzDot?" "No, it's Google News, yes, it's KatzDot." Sappiness follows: "Well, if I'm your greatest sweetie, and I'm your only sweetie, that means I'm also your worst sweetie." "Wrong, …

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05 Jan 2003, 11:39 a.m.

I shall be telling this with a sigh / Somewhere ages and ages hence

So a year ago I thought I'd be teaching and starting a business by now. But my unexpected late graduation threw that out of whack, and then I took the first job I could find, …

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04 Jan 2003, 12:25 p.m.

Last night, I found out that (hearsay) it's illegal to…

Last night, I found out that (hearsay) it's illegal to buy a lighter in California if you're under 18. To paraphrase Devin: "You can't have alcohol, tobacco, war, oh, and fire. You can drive, though." …

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03 Jan 2003, 12:55 p.m.

Rest in Peace

Sydney Omarr dies at 76.

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03 Jan 2003, 12:03 p.m.

Fact Friction

I heard about promising research into a cure for multiple sclerosis. My first thought: "Oh good, maybe this'll help President Bartlet!"

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02 Jan 2003, 20:40 p.m.

Cody's Deals & Cody's Big Deals

I wandered the remainders piles today, which feel much more civilised today than they did in December. Michael Rogin: Blackface, White Noise, $5.98 Lloyd, Structure & Confirmation of Evolutionary Theory, $5.98 Caught in the Web …

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01 Jan 2003, 18:18 p.m.

Loves and Wishes

If foodies resemble bookworms, then they need recommendations too.

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