23 Jul 2002, 22:56 p.m.

Tonight, at dinner with Adam, I found myself referring to "the…

Tonight, at dinner with Adam, I found myself referring to "the cats I work for". I find myself reading a month or two of Jon Carroll archives every day, and I find at least a …

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23 Jul 2002, 22:33 p.m.

lifesize professionally made clown manequin- $50 …

lifesize professionally made clown manequin- $50

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22 Jul 2002, 23:57 p.m.

Reading Arthur C. Clarke's Imperial Earth, which I like. …

Reading Arthur C. Clarke's Imperial Earth, which I like.

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22 Jul 2002, 10:44 a.m.

Yesterday, my most interesting inquiry from a bookstore customer: "Where do…

Yesterday, my most interesting inquiry from a bookstore customer: "Where do you keep the pseudohistory?" "Do you mean the history that you and I think is bogus, or the history that even the author knows …

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22 Jul 2002, 8:45 a.m.

The Orinda Shakespeare Festival tends to put on four plays…

The Orinda Shakespeare Festival tends to put on four plays each summer: three Shakespeare (this year, The Winter's Tale, Macbeth, and A Midsummer Night's Dream), and one other classic or related-to-the-Bard (this year, Chekhov's The …

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22 Jul 2002, 8:29 a.m.

Zack saw it too! Leonard and I saw that vehicle on…

Zack saw it too! Leonard and I saw that vehicle on Saturday as we walked on Fulton between Bancroft and Durant. He felt an affinity for it, and now I know why. I think the …

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21 Jul 2002, 21:58 p.m.

I realize that my current job as a lowly clerk…

I realize that my current job as a lowly clerk at Cody's makes me some bizarre triangulation between Anirvan, who founded Bookfinder, and Seth, who frequents bookstores and whose dad is in the brick-and-mortar bookstore …

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21 Jul 2002, 20:27 p.m.

Links for today: the history of Russia, an internship at…

Links for today: the history of Russia, an internship at Tor, and a best-of-craigslist ad.

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20 Jul 2002, 21:39 p.m.

Cat report: I'm beginning to feel alternately parental and Randian about…

Cat report: I'm beginning to feel alternately parental and Randian about the cats. One cat, Little Kitty, doesn't meow at me without apparent reason, and purringly submits to petting. I like her and even feel …

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20 Jul 2002, 11:00 a.m.

I saw a headline at SFGate: "Our Suspect, No Doubt."…

I saw a headline at SFGate: "Our Suspect, No Doubt." Reminds me of the India Currents article on the drummer for No Doubt, who's Indian: "No Doubt He's Indian." I'm hoarding my political capital at …

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