21 May 2002, 0:12 a.m.

A surprisingly good food day. I ate surprisingly good…

A surprisingly good food day. I ate surprisingly good pesto pasta salad at the Caffe-Strada-run Free Speech Movement Cafe on campus. It had pine nuts! And roasted tomato! And then I splurged on a gourmet …

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20 May 2002, 17:43 p.m.

Last night I actually did watch the last X-Files episode.…

Last night I actually did watch the last X-Files episode. Seven or eight years ago, when I was a freshman and sophomore in high school, my sister and I would watch X-Files on Friday nights …

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20 May 2002, 12:03 p.m.

Inexplicably, I can't find my resume on my hard drive…

Inexplicably, I can't find my resume on my hard drive or in my OCF account or in any old email. Since my floppy drive is misbehaving, I'll have to go to campus to use the …

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20 May 2002, 9:30 a.m.

I dreamt an extraordinary dream last night. I met…

I dreamt an extraordinary dream last night. I met Attorney General John Ashcroft and he interviewed me to find out what a typical student's life is like. (At one point I asked him what he'd …

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20 May 2002, 0:01 a.m.

Hmm, Jeana's thinking of taking Russian! When I did it,…

Hmm, Jeana's thinking of taking Russian! When I did it, I chose Russian on rather a whim. (Japanese and Chinese were too popular; that was part of it.) And now I've been to Russia and …

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18 May 2002, 17:17 p.m.

Thanks to Michelle and Kate and Andy for letting Nandini…

Thanks to Michelle and Kate and Andy for letting Nandini and me use their scammed VIP tickets yesterday.

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18 May 2002, 13:37 p.m.

I think one reason that these episodes of "X and Ebert"…

I think one reason that these episodes of "X and Ebert" are so hilarious is that it's the McLaughlin Group, but about movies.

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18 May 2002, 13:32 p.m.

Yesterday, after I read some more of Crime and Punishment, Nandini…

Yesterday, after I read some more of Crime and Punishment, Nandini and I went to the general UC Berkeley commencement convocation graduation ceremony thing. I went mainly to hear my friend Shayna give her University …

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17 May 2002, 12:57 p.m.

Cranky Ebert and hopelessly overmatched counterpoint. …

Cranky Ebert and hopelessly overmatched counterpoint.

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17 May 2002, 12:16 p.m.

Among the jobs the Career Center lists: "Extreme Sports Athlete." Funny…

Among the jobs the Career Center lists: "Extreme Sports Athlete." Funny sign at Ned's Bookstore: "We have the MOST USED BOOKS!"

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