19 Feb 2016, 17:50 p.m.

What Should We Stop Doing? (FLOSS Community Metrics Meeting keynote)

"What should we stop doing?": written version of a keynote address by Sumana Harihareswara, delivered at the FLOSS Community Metrics Meeting just before FOSDEM, 29 January 2016 in Brussels, Belgium. Slide deck is a 14-page …

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19 Feb 2016, 17:10 p.m.

Comparing Codes of Conduct to Copyleft Licenses (My FOSDEM Speech)

"Comparing codes of conduct to copyleft licenses": written notes for a talk by Sumana Harihareswara, delivered in the Legal and Policy Issues DevRoom at FOSDEM, 31 January 2016 in Brussels, Belgium. Video recording available. Condensed …

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26 Jan 2016, 13:42 p.m.

Recent Discussion on Unfairness in FLOSS Economics

I'm keenly watching the conversation on structural imbalances in funding and use of free and open source software. Nadia Eghbal's recent essay has garnered attention, and here I collect some additional posts and threads by …

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25 Jan 2016, 11:08 a.m.

On "Twin Peaks"

Leonard and I are watching Twin Peaks. This is my first David Lynch experience, and as of Season 2 Episode 15, here are some thoughts, some of which are spoilers. In the conversation we had …

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21 Jan 2016, 10:00 a.m.

Risk Mitigation

Next week I'm headed to Belgium for my first Free and Open Source Developers' European Meeting. I'll give two talks. I'm excited, because it'll be a chance to listen, learn, influence, introduce myself to potential …

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20 Jan 2016, 11:56 a.m.

Several Upcoming Talks

I'm preparing several talks to deliver at open source technology conferences this winter and spring. I'll be at FOSDEM in Brussels later this month giving two talks: On Friday, January 29th, at the FLOSS Community …

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03 Jan 2016, 12:25 p.m.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I saw the original trilogy many years ago and just don't remember a lot of stuff. I was maybe sixteen; I missed my window for really loving it, in keeping with that old saying, "The …

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31 Dec 2015, 17:31 p.m.

Yuletide Treasure Reveal: "Pops Real Nice"

Fanfic authors started a Secret Santa-style gift exchange, "Yuletide", in 2003, concentrating on fandoms that don't have that much fic written about them. This year, for the first time, I participated. Now that the authors' …

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28 Dec 2015, 14:19 p.m.

More Zen Cho, and History in Hamilton

People who read this blog will probably like the stuff I've been posting on the Geek Feminism group blog. I wrote a bit more about Zen Cho's Sorcerer to the Crown in October, covering "Cruciat-ish, …

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28 Dec 2015, 14:06 p.m.

What Software Freedom Conservancy Does, Why It's Important, And Why You Should Give

I appreciate the work of the Software Freedom Conservancy, a nonprofit that helps free and open source software projects. Right now they need 2,500 people to become Supporters to keep their work going. So I …

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