21 Sep 2012, 22:19 p.m.


I used to do a lot of stand-up comedy. I was at open mics at least once a week, I polished my material, I was always coming up with bits. The impetus: I went to …

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20 Sep 2012, 9:29 a.m.


Last night I dreamt that my walking companions and I needed to walk through through/over the Hindu Kush and continue on that path past Baghdad. In five hours. I guess one good thing about taking …

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01 Sep 2012, 15:04 p.m.

Bertie Wooster, Tom Buchanan, and George Oscar Bluth II

In Arrested Development, G.O.B. makes use of a racist felon, "White Power Bill," as the unwilling demonstratee of a magic trick. Humiliated, Bill stabs G.O.B., crying, "White power!" As G.O.B. falls, he croaks, "I'm....white..." This, …

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31 Aug 2012, 20:21 p.m.


Just started watching The Lady Vanishes. Several minutes in, a character behaves really loathesomely and inconsiderately towards a hotel manager and, by extension, the other guests. Then he invades a woman's hotel room, making her …

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26 Aug 2012, 19:41 p.m.

Reading & Rereading

The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin. The hike with Mel reminded me of the Ne Theras collective and hike from The Dispossessed once in a while, but more of Genly and …

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19 Aug 2012, 7:55 a.m.

Getting A Habit Into My Muscle Memory

There is no substitute for personal experience. I know now, in my arms and torso and legs, that I feel better when I do a bunch of goal-oriented vigorous outdoor physical activity every day. And …

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18 Aug 2012, 23:13 p.m.


One way I know I'm more mature than I used to be: I have a self-hating thought, then IMMEDIATELY know that it's just those unfortunate defaults speaking up, not a genuine insight that needs followup, …

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16 Aug 2012, 11:53 a.m.


I'm back in the US and catching up on approximately everything. Multiweek nearly-completely-offline vacation: I recommend it. I took a very long walk with a friend. Coming back, so much felt unfamiliar: shoes that are …

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24 Jul 2012, 12:56 p.m.

Upcoming Vacation

This Friday night, I start a vacation and will be mostly offline till August 14th. I'm going to be in the north of England; if you live nearish Manchester and want to meet up around …

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21 Jul 2012, 16:28 p.m.

Thoughts Upon Seeing "Cabaret"

I've now seen the film and the stage versions of Cabaret. Some thoughts: Our leads are basically Kermit and Miss Piggy. In fact, I am now reinterpreting the Meet Cute from The Great Muppet Caper …

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