28 Apr 2011, 18:32 p.m.


Tomorrow night I keynote at PICC. Then the next night I get to see Quinn Norton's keynote! Wonder. I decided to take out a joke because it's too similar to the most recent XKCD. I …

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26 Apr 2011, 17:14 p.m.

GSoC, GSoC, Who's There?

As the organizational administrator for MediaWiki (thanks to my job for the Wikimedia Foundation), I am pleased to announce our Google Summer of Code students for 2011. Also delight-inducing: the number of rejected applicants who …

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25 Apr 2011, 18:31 p.m.

Do You Have 90 Minutes To Help GNOME?

I'm seeking volunteers for a fairly low-effort GNOME Journal task. I need about ten. You don't need any special knowledge about GNOME, just access to email and about 60-90 minutes of free time over the …

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22 Apr 2011, 11:45 a.m.

I'm Making A Note Here: Moderate Success

24 people came to the performance last night, and, by all appearances, enjoyed it. Thanks, all! This included one Astoria resident who misread the "Geeky Standup Comedy" poster and came thinking I'd be speaking in …

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19 Apr 2011, 23:51 p.m.

My Standup Comedy This Week

Every night this week, I am making jokes in front of people here in New York. On Monday, I entertained a few friends eating dinner during a Passover seder. I was pretty bad and am …

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17 Apr 2011, 9:17 a.m.


Leonard and I have been watching a few episodes of The Dick Van Dyke Show every day. Battlestar Galactica, The Babysitters Club, and The Dick Van Dyke Show all suit me partly because they focus …

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13 Apr 2011, 22:53 p.m.

Brooklyn Gamble

I can't reach Pacific Standard via phone or email, but I think it will probably be fine if I gather pals there on Friday night and shout jokes at them. So: this Friday, 8pm, the …

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12 Apr 2011, 15:26 p.m.

Geeky Standup Comedy as Value-Add

So, about that standup I'm doing this month. Have you perhaps further pondered, "It would be awesome if Sumana performed at a tech conference where I could also network with the IT community of New …

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12 Apr 2011, 13:52 p.m.

Geeky Standup Comedy, April 21st in Astoria (And Elsewhen)

Have you ever thought, "I wish Sumana Harihareswara would do some standup comedy about project management, Linux, relationships, Agile, public transit, science fiction, and These Kids Today"? Here you go. I'm giving a few performances …

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11 Apr 2011, 15:38 p.m.

GNOME Contractor Status Update: Launch Week & Next Steps

(Also posted to marketing-list.) My last email, on April 1st, mentioned that "my main TODOs today, this weekend, and early next week are to follow up on press contacts, the eReleases blast, and GNOME Journal." …

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