Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder


04 Feb 2006, 8:57 a.m.

Running Cliches Through The Cuisinart

Hey Leonard, how did Collabnet work out for you? Like Leonard, I got book-reading as an initial task at my new job. I accidentally powered through Influence and the Carnegie way too fast because I …

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25 Jan 2006, 7:37 a.m.


As I was going through a cold this week (am currently 90% over it), I read Jane Austen's Persuasion, whose title I love. Persuasion is very fun for the first 90 percent of it but …

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01 Jan 2006, 16:43 p.m.

Gotta Stand Up To Start Moving Forward?

According to some estimates, every six months in the Bay Area, I've made some new amazing friend whom I am now leaving behind. I arrived in August of 1998 and met Seth; most recently (basically) …

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28 Nov 2005, 11:29 a.m.

Reading Lists

An alternative (of sorts) to Personal MBA. Of Mr. Spolsky's tentative list, I've read:part of The Mythical Man-Month The Design of Everyday Things (a.k.a. The Psychology Of Everyday Things) Microserfs Ben & Jerry's: The Inside …

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15 Nov 2005, 6:22 a.m.

It Always Comes Back

I thought Alan Furst's Dark Star would be a science-fiction novel, probably because I confused it with the film of the same name. Now that I'm two-thirds through, I've firmly convinced myself that it's Yet …

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02 Nov 2005, 16:50 p.m.

Sweet Lyrics

Reading Vikram Seth's The Golden Gate, a novel in sonnets. I like recognizing the scattered nice (precisely fitted) rhymes, and familiar external and internal locations. I adored A Suitable Boy as I loved Anna Karenina. …

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23 Oct 2005, 22:44 p.m.

Didion on Schiavo

You have probably already read Joan Didion on the Schiavo case and watched Didion illustrate, but carefully leave unanswered, more precisely formulated questions about that particular tragedy and the end of life. That piece makes …

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20 Oct 2005, 9:46 a.m.

"Waiting Waiting Waiting"

I laughed out loud at Spamusement! today. Incidentally, the other web comics comprising my daily comic trawl are: Achewood; Toothpaste For Dinner; Something Positive; and Dinosaur Comics.

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30 Sep 2005, 11:16 a.m.

Uplifting, Inspiring, Secular Art

I'm listening to Dar Williams, "What Do You Hear In These Sounds," and I see Jon Carroll: It's the making, I think. The making is the important part. If you are lucky enough to be …

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01 Sep 2005, 10:13 a.m.

Phillip Robertson Is Braver Than I'll Ever Be

I have the freedom to yammer on about literature. I'm not in Iraq. Hajji Qais had been on Al Mutanabbi street for 10 years and the vendors all knew him. He sold greeting cards for …

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