Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder


19 Sep 2011, 8:48 a.m.

24 Fames Per Second

Some recent videos of me: My talk at Wikimania, "How to get what you want from MediaWiki's developers" (first 22 minutes of video); talk, notes. An interview with me at OSCON about "the role of …

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01 Sep 2011, 18:22 p.m.

Everybody's Doing It: Some Hackathon Tips

I'm helping arrange some developers' events at work. They're meant for open source software developers, testers, documenters, and other contributors to get together, talk, and collaborate. We often call them hackathons. I'm directly planning, with …

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11 Jul 2011, 11:11 a.m.

Kyriarchy & Mr. Rogers

In late June, Kjerstin Johnson interviewed me for Bitch Media (makers of Bitch Magazine) about Wikimedia, feminism in open source, and related topics. You can listen to the half-hour interview via download from the Internet …

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29 Jun 2011, 19:01 p.m.

Open Source Bridge 2011

I had a wonderful time at this year's Open Source Bridge conference. Last year at OSBridge, I presented "The Second Step: HOWTO encourage open source work at for-profits" and had a great time. So this …

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20 May 2011, 7:43 a.m.

Three Wikimedia Facts

If you have a WordPress blog, the PhotoCommons plugin is an easy way to grab photos from Wikimedia Commons as graphics for your posts. We have a lot of job openings, including nonprofit-y, communication and …

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03 May 2011, 10:40 a.m.

New Job, New Email Address

As of this month, I'm a full-time contractor for the Wikimedia Foundation, serving as Volunteer Development Coordinator. My boss at WMF, Rob Lanphier, has just posted a welcome note that makes me sound all fancy. …

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26 Apr 2011, 17:14 p.m.

GSoC, GSoC, Who's There?

As the organizational administrator for MediaWiki (thanks to my job for the Wikimedia Foundation), I am pleased to announce our Google Summer of Code students for 2011. Also delight-inducing: the number of rejected applicants who …

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31 Mar 2011, 15:40 p.m.

MediaWiki Accepting Google Summer of Code Applications

Just posted on the Wikimedia tech blog: MediaWiki got accepted as a Google Summer of Code project, so we're looking for project ideas, mentors, and students. More details at the techblog post.

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02 Mar 2011, 3:54 a.m.


Now that my new bosses have told the world: yes, I'm also now consulting for the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that supports Wikipedia and other free knowledge initiatives. To grossly simplify, I'm coordinating software development …

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09 Feb 2011, 11:34 a.m.


As you might have seen from my microblogging, I seem to know a lot of firms that are hiring. In short: I know people who are looking for project managers, UX designers, backend developers, undergrads …

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