15 Jun 2009, 23:34 p.m.

Who Needs Reddit

For about seven years, after college, I felt my glibness slipping away. Words escaped the tip of my tongue. I thought I was getting older and dumber. Since WisCon, I haven't had that sensation once. …

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15 Jun 2009, 22:56 p.m.

"It Is Our Choices, Harry, That Show..."

If I really wanted to be with-it and hip to the NYC speculative fiction scene, I'd attend all sorts of relevant events. Instead: Clojure talk, social tea, watching original Star Trek films II, III, IV, …

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15 Jun 2009, 21:19 p.m.


I just realized that my previous entry reduces to "Please pull me aside and tell me if I'm making a fool of myself." Which is, in general, something I'd like my friends & well-wishers to …

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15 Jun 2009, 12:26 p.m.

In Which I Request Things Of You

So, two things I'd like to ask of my readers: Call me out on it if I'm saying something that's racist, or sexist, or transphobic, or dismissive of entire religious communities of practice, or ableist, …

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15 Jun 2009, 12:04 p.m.

Horrifying Book Title

The Fun-Minute Manager. It's real.

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15 Jun 2009, 2:41 a.m.

Various Links

Should have been catching up on work, reread bits of Anathem and wrote instead. Let's see if I can go to sleep once I've posted this: Erica Naone's infodumping links reminded me of an old …

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15 Jun 2009, 1:45 a.m.

I'm On Dreamwidth

I've joined Dreamwidth as "brainwane", in case you're there and want to give me access to your super-secret friends-only Colbert Report fanfic. Quiz: If you are attentive, you can probably find my two commonest usernames …

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13 Jun 2009, 12:43 p.m.

Chivvying Myself

Let's see if I can make it to: lunch with a new friend, a blog meetup, a friend's concert, and a birthday party within about 10 consecutive Saturday hours.

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12 Jun 2009, 20:57 p.m.

Let's Hear It For (Labors Of) Love

Here is another narrative of my WisCon: something I learned from editing and publicizing Thoughtcrime Experiments, and what that makes me want to do next. It's long (the longer the post, the more I feel …

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12 Jun 2009, 18:11 p.m.

Should I Go to Think GalactiCon?

I had such a great time at WisCon that I'm now considering sneaking a weekend at a like-minded science fiction convention: Chicago's Think GalactiCon, two weekends from now (the end of June). This year's Think …

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