23 May 2009, 0:31 a.m.

Sold Out

Wow. Gave or sold a few copies of Thoughtcrime Experiments to contributors & friends, sold several more to strangers (especially after they viewed the flyer I made), and am holding on to a single copy …

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22 May 2009, 17:38 p.m.

WisCon, Properly Day One

Ellen Kushner led me to try on lots of free clothes at The Swap and foisted several pieces on me. I am sleep-deprived and thus suggestible. I met Tacit Hydra and we decided to form …

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21 May 2009, 23:52 p.m.

Madison, Whee

I've arrived at WisCon 33. Already I've dined with Erika Nelson, Cliff Winnig, and Cliff's wife Deb, and met various other cool-seeming folk. I hadn't expected people would ooh and ahh so much over the …

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21 May 2009, 10:22 a.m.

Recent Quotes

It is extremely weird to have a past to look back on and think about and learn from now that seems substantial, instead of only a future to look forward to. There's that as well, …

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20 May 2009, 16:06 p.m.

Oh That Sheldon!

Someday I need to check whether I enjoy "The Big Bang Theory" when I am not on an airplane.

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16 May 2009, 16:19 p.m.

Slapdash Thoughts On Real Estate

I need to read about property. Specifically, I need to read philosophy of property. What does it mean when we say, or feel, that we own something? In the free software crowd, this is a …

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16 May 2009, 10:51 a.m.


It would be nice if this cold were just allergies. It would be nice if I got over this cold before a sudden business trip tomorrow. It would be nice if CreateSpace had been able …

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15 May 2009, 1:19 a.m.

Learning To Recognize That Reaction; Or, Affect

Right now I'm looking away, acting like this is happening to someone else and I'm outside looking in. I'm analyzing the situation intellectually and finding irony or amusement or a familiar aesthetic in its informational …

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13 May 2009, 7:42 a.m.

WisCon Schedule

The schedule for this year's WisCon (feminist sci-fi convention, Madison, I'll be there May 21-25) is up. I'm on three panels: How Should Magazines and Anthologies Review Submissions?, Sat. 4pm Was It Good for You?: …

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12 May 2009, 22:09 p.m.

He Meant To Post To Causal Encounters

For those who don't know: Craiglist has a category of personals called Casual Encounters (not to be confused with Missed Connections, even though Missed Connections often result from accidental encounters that are fairly casual). Folks …

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