13 Apr 2005, 13:26 p.m.

Blissfully Sweating

I have now turned into one of those people who brings hot sauce to work. Today I splashed a fifth of a bottle of Sontava! habanero hot sauce on my lunch. "This is disputed by …

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12 Apr 2005, 22:16 p.m.

The Title Is Much Dirtier Than The Reality

Bookslut needs columnists (check the left-hand sidebar). Many writers who read this journal would be ideal as Bookslut reviewers and columnists. Heck, Bookslut even accepted my review of Good Catholic Girls (the typos aren't mine).

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10 Apr 2005, 15:25 p.m.

I'm Not Dead(line) Yet

On the minds of some US residents: the not-so-automatic four-month extension for filing federal taxes. California residents can get state-specific information.

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10 Apr 2005, 14:48 p.m.

That Never Fails

I couldn't find Pico, my favorite command-line text editor, on my computer at home. Then Leonard helped me discover that I already had Nano, a free Pico workalike. Now I can use that to write …

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07 Apr 2005, 16:37 p.m.

He Is Quite Pleasant

Just met Tom Brokaw. Update: Vinay: i think i told you my favorite tom brokaw story Vinay: let me retell: Vinay: after the 2001 terrorist attacks, you may remember how all the news anchors were …

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07 Apr 2005, 5:14 a.m.

Blogger Turns Mainstream Media

Several weeks ago, I applied for a part-time job copyediting the "Bay Area Living" section for Alameda Newspaper Group (the Oakland Tribune, Hayward Daily Review, et al.). The powers that be liked my writing sample, …

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06 Apr 2005, 17:29 p.m.

Before Copernicus

I had this very belief!

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06 Apr 2005, 17:28 p.m.


On BART I stood next to three speakers of Russian. I understood maybe every fifth word in Russian, but a few specific phrases in English: California State Bar Exam design OK blog pornography Also, just …

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05 Apr 2005, 10:05 a.m.

Non-Crazy Libertarians?!

Wow, maybe I should actually start reading Jane Galt. Not only does she make a cogent argument against a certain pro-same-sex-marriage argument, but she also actually recognizes the difference between Libertopia and our current situation! …

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04 Apr 2005, 16:33 p.m.

Why Not?

When I die, I want my organs donated. So I put the pink "donor" dot on my ID and told my loved ones about my wishes. But what if they aren't around or I don't …

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