12 Jun 2003, 17:14 p.m.

Find Your Grind

The Salon office environment reminds me, I now realize, of some cross between every media outlet I've ever worked for (e.g., KUOP, "Talking it Through with John Morearty: Dialogues on War and Peace", all my …

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12 Jun 2003, 17:00 p.m.

In Soviet Slassia

Lenin/Stalin slash fiction. Bonus sequel idea: "Hotsy Trotsky."

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12 Jun 2003, 8:23 a.m.

Jon Carroll and Danny O'Brien both have Roombas. "If…

Jon Carroll and Danny O'Brien both have Roombas. "If the pathetic fallacy is ascribing human emotions to animals, then ascribing human emotions to disc-shaped machines must be the Truly Pathetic Fallacy." Cameron is seeking editors …

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11 Jun 2003, 19:52 p.m.

I'm quite a sucker for details of how kidnappees outwit…

I'm quite a sucker for details of how kidnappees outwit their abductors. Fairy tales can come true!

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11 Jun 2003, 13:31 p.m.

From e-mail: a Canadian referred to "north of the boarder." A…

From e-mail: a Canadian referred to "north of the boarder." A spam subject line advertised "Geneaology Helper," which I imagine resembling Hamburger Helper. A phone question, in three parts: What's my username and password? When …

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11 Jun 2003, 10:46 a.m.

I should watch Michael "Savage" Weiner or read a transcript…

I should watch Michael "Savage" Weiner or read a transcript to see if he really foams at the mouth the way he seems to. In the meantime, he shouldn't get to shut down his opponents. …

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10 Jun 2003, 16:44 p.m.

My sister had dental surgery this morning. I signed…

My sister had dental surgery this morning. I signed up to drive her there and back, but only today did we realize that she needed constant supervision for several hours post-op as well. So I …

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09 Jun 2003, 18:57 p.m.

"Christian Bands, Crossing Over" informs me: "(Emo is a more…

"Christian Bands, Crossing Over" informs me: "(Emo is a more confessional, expressive and pop-friendly variant of punk rock.)" Also: " P.O.D. (which stands for Payable on Death)..."

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09 Jun 2003, 15:33 p.m.

Spam Subject Line Inadvertently Reflects Reality

"Simulate your love life!"

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09 Jun 2003, 14:08 p.m.

Je suis mal. Er, j'ai mal

Over the weekend I got to hang out with Frances and Leonard. I'm relieved that she's feeling better. I heard a best-of compilation of Jonathan Richman -- very enjoyable! -- and quizzed Leonard on French …

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