06 May 2003, 23:17 p.m.

In two weeks, about a year after my graduation day,…

In two weeks, about a year after my graduation day, I'll start a new job as a Salon.com Premium support tech. I think it'll suit me really well. Salon Premium: Spread The Meme-ium! Getting this …

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06 May 2003, 18:29 p.m.

It's Up - It's Good!

Just got my offer letter. Dear Sumana, I am pleased to offer you a position with Salon... Officially: YAY! Oddly enough, I've found my new job, my current job, and my apartment and boyfriend without …

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06 May 2003, 13:43 p.m.

It's now been about six weeks since Salam Pax, a…

It's now been about six weeks since Salam Pax, a Baghdad weblogger, last posted.

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06 May 2003, 11:50 a.m.

Beyond Extreme!

One of our distributors maintains a web page that alerts booksellers to hot new titles about to hit the market. One such title: Lost Souls of the Dead and Dying by J. Berkman. Publisher Marketing: …

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06 May 2003, 9:04 a.m.

Our Dumb Decade

The Onion produced Our Dumb Century, a book of fake newspapers satirizing twentieth-century US history. Every once in a while a headline heralds that some sensationalized court case is "The Trial Of The Century." The …

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06 May 2003, 9:01 a.m.

Steve Robertson's fiancée, Alice, now has a weblog. "Wow.…

Steve Robertson's fiancée, Alice, now has a weblog. "Wow. Getting into the fabulous world of weblogs - I feel like I should have taken some oath or something. However, now Sumana can think that I'm …

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06 May 2003, 8:46 a.m.

Disorder of the Phoenix

Man Finds New Harry Potter Novel In The Middle Of A Meadow:May 6, 2003 | LONDON (AP) -- A walker found two copies of the new Harry Potter novel dumped in a field, The Sun …

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06 May 2003, 8:11 a.m.

The "Salon is hiring!" page has changed to a listing…

The "Salon is hiring!" page has changed to a listing for a completely different position, so the job I've applied for is filled, perhaps by me. I talked to my Salon contact yesterday and heard …

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05 May 2003, 8:48 a.m.

This is how Kremlinologists must have felt

Okay, I no longer see the "Salon is hiring" link on the front page, even though the job listing is still up. I'm going to wait calmly for contact from them sometime today, really I …

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05 May 2003, 8:23 a.m.

As In A Traffic Jam, I Live In An Eternal Waiting Now Without Past Or Future

I distracted myself more than adequately over the weekend. Terrific food at Bacheeso's and Trio, a viewing of not-so-great improv and a second viewing of the excellent This Is Spinal Tap, and much hanging out …

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