19 Mar 2002, 11:07 a.m.

Surreal Estate tells me that people are crazy about finding a…

Surreal Estate tells me that people are crazy about finding a place to live in the Bay Area, and that prices are similarly sumashedshiye, "recession" notwithstanding. Yet yesterday I walked by my old apartment, which …

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19 Mar 2002, 11:02 a.m.

Leonard's on his backup site for the rest of this week.…

Leonard's on his backup site for the rest of this week. I'm admiring my tigerlily and waiting anxiously to take midterms and find out how I've done. Next week I'll take the behind-the-wheel driving exam …

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18 Mar 2002, 16:50 p.m.

Yesterday I drove my sister's car from Stockton to Berkeley.…

Yesterday I drove my sister's car from Stockton to Berkeley. That was the hardest driving I've ever done: curvy highways in the dark with a pounding rain. Eeee! But my sister helped direct me and …

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18 Mar 2002, 15:25 p.m.

The written portion of the Musicianship midterm ended a few…

The written portion of the Musicianship midterm ended a few minutes ago, and it frazzled me something awful. Oi. And I have three more tests waiting for me later this week. Is it still Monday? …

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17 Mar 2002, 8:46 a.m.

Just this morning whilst lying awake I wondered what sort…

Just this morning whilst lying awake I wondered what sort of tag LiveJournal users use to specially identify each other in posts, and then I find out that Adam has obliged me. I wonder how …

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16 Mar 2002, 19:31 p.m.

Lahiri mentions the East Coast department store Filene's and its…

Lahiri mentions the East Coast department store Filene's and its subsidiary, Filene's Basement, in several stories in Interpreter of Maladies. As John probably recalls, I visited a Filene's Basement in mid-July of last year. The …

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16 Mar 2002, 16:54 p.m.

I'm listening to A Prairie Home Companion on a rather…

I'm listening to A Prairie Home Companion on a rather sketchy (perhaps "sketch", since, according to an East Coast friend, that's now an Adj.) radio set, whilst internetting with a few Netscape windows open. I …

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16 Mar 2002, 9:44 a.m.

This morning I read the first two short stories in…

This morning I read the first two short stories in Jhumpa Lahiri's Interpreter of Maladies. I like them, much as I liked the stories in Anjana Appachana's Incantations and Other Stories. Both sets have that …

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15 Mar 2002, 15:25 p.m.

Jade is a great seatmate for Logic lecture. She…

Jade is a great seatmate for Logic lecture. She knows just when to wake me up so that I reach consciousness when the professor starts introducing actual new material (usually in the last ten minutes …

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15 Mar 2002, 12:44 p.m.

The problem with discussing interesting topics in Russian class --…

The problem with discussing interesting topics in Russian class -- well, more interesting than "How do you get to school each day?" -- is that you find out that your classmates hold disagreeable opinions (cf. …

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