25 Apr 2009, 8:20 a.m.

Out-Of-Context Quotes Of The Moment

"Pretend you're in a giant teacup." "Why?!" "You just are." "It's like you have an 'it's complicated' in Facebook with yourself." "You should delicious that tweet - NOOOooooooo....." "Riker's so boring I'm falling asleep just …

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23 Apr 2009, 11:58 a.m.

Two Thoughts on the Role of Scrum Master

"Each week. On This American Scrum. We have a theme. And ask three questions based on that theme. Question One: what did you do yesterday? Question two: what will you do, what do you aim …

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23 Apr 2009, 6:45 a.m.


In the last two weeks, I have learned rather a lot about configuring and troubleshooting usage of Empathy, Telepathy, Synaptic, PPAs, git, TeX/LaTeX/dvi, gtimelog, IRC and bip, RSA SSH, and XMPP. Well, it was a …

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18 Apr 2009, 8:04 a.m.

Ramping Up

In my first week at Collabora, I've learned that I can stand to poke at .conf, .rc, and similar files for at most two hours out of my working day. I've also learned that the …

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17 Apr 2009, 8:43 a.m.

Joke, Joke

Perhaps wearing my oldest, most beat-up Electronic Frontier Foundation shirt to a party full of new-to-copyright law students is not as effective a dominance/status display as I'd hoped.

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15 Apr 2009, 8:31 a.m.

Well, this anxiety is a familiar bouquet.…

Well, this anxiety is a familiar bouquet.

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13 Apr 2009, 21:13 p.m.

Nearly-Modern Superstitions

Am I the only person who finds it especially auspicious when a person's first and last name combined count 8 or fewer letters, since then they could use it in an 8.3 DOS-style filename? (example: …

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13 Apr 2009, 19:10 p.m.

Words And Constraints

I am not yet ready to publicly join the conversation on cultural appropriation in fiction. However I wish to draw your attention to Rachel Chalmers's warm, smart, funny book reviews, which she posts in a …

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13 Apr 2009, 14:24 p.m.

On Realizing That I Am A Veritable Switchboard Of Buttons To Be Pressed

As Father Brown would say: "Lord, what a turnip I am...Lord, what a turnip."

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12 Apr 2009, 13:14 p.m.

Bluths as Bartlett's

Some lines from Arrested Development stick in my mind as incisive embodiments of some less-acknowledged fallacies, afflictions, and distinctions. To wit: Should the Fünkes try an open marriage? Tobias notes that many couples he counseled …

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