19 Jul 2004, 11:07 a.m.

Full Faith and Credit Cards

I got to see Steve and Alice this weekend. Man, their ceremony will be three and a half hours (including the reception) and I am going to cry the whole time. Related: a coworker's planning …

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19 Jul 2004, 10:02 a.m.


Sometimes I think it's useless to write boring letters to soldiers I've never met; ginmar reassures me. Update: one of them wrote me back!

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19 Jul 2004, 7:59 a.m.

Must Be Not Allergic To Gluten

I'm looking for a backup stage manager to train for "I Look Like An Egg, But I Identify As A Cookie", the show I'm stage-managing. Heather is extending the run and I may not be …

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15 Jul 2004, 11:25 a.m.

Caution: Dark Fantasy, Rambling, No Closure

Jon Carroll, like me, is thinking about Ralph Nader. I overheard David Talbot's phone call with Nader in the office a few days ago. As I see it, the cycle of marginalization and radicalization has …

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13 Jul 2004, 17:44 p.m.

You Already Read Achewood

For future reference, here is a list of my favorite Achewood strips. Caution: some require context. I have felt this way except for the Computer Science. One reason I now eschew slogan tees (although I …

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13 Jul 2004, 14:02 p.m.

The Chart Does Not Lie

Make A Cost-Per-Wear Chart and embarrass yourself into wardrobe reasonableness!

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13 Jul 2004, 12:51 p.m.


An okay Dinosaur Comics reminds me that Bill Nye has a "consider the following" shtick. I spent many pleasant hours in front of Bill Nye the Science Guy. One year of high school I had …

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12 Jul 2004, 18:10 p.m.

Party, etc.

Happy birthday to Leonard. He had a great party with acres of food. I really need to face up to the fact that Leonard enjoys homemaking more than I ever will. My parents predicted that …

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07 Jul 2004, 11:06 a.m.

Tasteless Sudan Joke Inside!

Sepoy shows his students the truth about colonial administration - with a role-playing game! "Several came up to me afterwards and said that British rule in India came alive as the behemoth bureaucracy I had …

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07 Jul 2004, 10:49 a.m.

"I'm tired of being Bob Dole's straight man."

Clinton gave the inaugural Dole Lecture at the University of Kansas six weeks back. Lots of jokes (Clinton and Dole: vaudeville waiting to happen) and also many thoughtful passages. Now, here's my take on where …

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