23 Jun 2004, 20:44 p.m.

America's Moving Adventure

Leonard just moved slightly further from my apartment. It will now be slightly harder to visit him for dinner four nights a week.

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23 Jun 2004, 11:46 a.m.

When I Get Depressed I Read Beliefnet

Christianity (sort of) in Left Behind and Harry Potter. Finally, they both have a theology. It's not, as one might expect, that Left Behind is Christian and Harry Potter pagan, but rather that Left Behind …

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22 Jun 2004, 16:30 p.m.


They should call it "allGoode Organic PuriTea with Peppermint, Red Clover, and Not Nearly Enough Licorice." I've been sending some letters to soldiers via Books For Soldiers. Sample post: "My unit is deployed again. We …

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18 Jun 2004, 18:14 p.m.

Men In Black And Blue

Often, if I compliment a woman on her couture, she responds either with a compliment on my clothes or with a description of the item's provenance and bargain-basement price (e.g., "I got it while I …

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18 Jun 2004, 16:56 p.m.

Copy, Paste, Delete, Copy, Paste, Delete-No-Wait...

I can only stand this incredibly tedious task because I am listening to Do You Measure Up and the like. Also, I'm drinking my second cup of coffee of the day. I ordinarily drink coffee …

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18 Jun 2004, 15:20 p.m.

Fun And Tempting

Fun. Dangerous, addictive, lose-track-of-time fun.Update: Also, camels.

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17 Jun 2004, 17:02 p.m.

Just Two Months Early For Independence Day

Two, two, two articles in today's Salon feature India or Indian-Americans. Philip Robertson, Salon's constantly-in-danger Iraq correspondent, profiles Sudip Bose, who is basically the Army's Dr. Bashir. (If only we had Sisko and Kira running …

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17 Jun 2004, 10:08 a.m.

Also We Were Eating Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto On Arugula

This morning on BART, the person next to me was reading the same issue of Smithsonian as I was.

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16 Jun 2004, 10:07 a.m.

Listening To

Outside the Inbox, songs based on spam subject lines.

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14 Jun 2004, 22:03 p.m.

Post-Weekend Update

My performance evaluation went fine. Evidently I am doing a very good job but we still have ideas for goals and improvements. My haircut makes me look like Anjali from Alison Bechdel's strip. On Wednesday …

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