07 Dec 2001, 8:25 a.m.

Slashdot Science headline: Global Warming Mostly Confirmed - On Mars,…

Slashdot Science headline: Global Warming Mostly Confirmed - On Mars, That Is! Cinzia, my classmate in Russian and a graduate student in sociology, spells "moola" as "mula."

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07 Dec 2001, 8:21 a.m.

It's Friday, the last day of classes, and today I…

It's Friday, the last day of classes, and today I get to hear about the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the search for extraterrestrial life, and in Kandahar Taliban forces are surrendering. Why am I …

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06 Dec 2001, 23:21 p.m.

Steve likes "slothful induction" (cf. the giant list of fallacies)…

Steve likes "slothful induction" (cf. the giant list of fallacies) because of the image it conjures: huge furry three-toed animals debating propositions of logic. I still haven't perused the list. Every time I look at …

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06 Dec 2001, 22:45 p.m.

BreakupGirl.com. LaughPage.com. Important, popular, useful sites that I visited…

BreakupGirl.com. LaughPage.com. Important, popular, useful sites that I visited perhaps a hundred times. Gone, gone.

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06 Dec 2001, 22:43 p.m.

I finished The One Best Way yesterday evening. I…

I finished The One Best Way yesterday evening. I enjoyed it, although Kanigel rather maddeningly draws no concrete conclusions about the benefits and disadvantages of Taylorism today. At least he presents much evidence and argument …

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06 Dec 2001, 19:39 p.m.

Wow, the Amtrak.com website has improved its usability greatly since…

Wow, the Amtrak.com website has improved its usability greatly since I last had to interface with it. I can now recommend it! My classmate Jeff Good, graduate student in linguistics: "there are limits to my …

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06 Dec 2001, 16:33 p.m.

Allow me to retract my earlier comment. The weather…

Allow me to retract my earlier comment. The weather has had no effect whatsoever on the logic of my blues. If today had been as sunny as delight, I would have thought, "what an opposite-of-inspiring …

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06 Dec 2001, 12:23 p.m.

After I queried Leonard on his favorite logical fallacy (send…

After I queried Leonard on his favorite logical fallacy (send me yours!), he sent me a link to a giant list of fallacies. Oi, how depressing. I probably commit six of these before breakfast.

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06 Dec 2001, 12:04 p.m.

I didn't make Daily Cal columnist. Shoot. That…

I didn't make Daily Cal columnist. Shoot. That plus the boring gray foggy rainy weather gets me down. Maybe I really wouldn't want to live in Seattle or on the East Coast, if the weather …

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05 Dec 2001, 12:59 p.m.

Hey, neat. I just ran into Jade, who tells…

Hey, neat. I just ran into Jade, who tells me that she is also taking Intro to Logic next semester. It's been too long since I had a study buddy. We can sharpen each other's …

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