02 Dec 2001, 18:22 p.m.

I waited so long to pick up The One Best…

I waited so long to pick up The One Best Way again that the time period it covers is the same as the time period we're covering now in my Imperial Russian History class. Three …

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01 Dec 2001, 9:20 a.m.

Yesterday I had four or more good conversations. Before my Russian…

Yesterday I had four or more good conversations. Before my Russian History class, I saw my cousin Vinay and sat with him on an out-of-the-way log bench near Sproul Plaza and we discussed my recent …

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30 Nov 2001, 23:40 p.m.

Aaaaagh. My back hurts again. Time to sleep. Tomorrow…

Aaaaagh. My back hurts again. Time to sleep. Tomorrow will be the first day of the last month of the first day of the new millennium. Somehow these things seem more important before I write …

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30 Nov 2001, 23:21 p.m.

John wrote me, asking: was he not getting the Paul…

John wrote me, asking: was he not getting the Paul Conrad cartoons because John is stupid, or because the cartoons are stupid? My answer: if incompetent editorial cartooning causes you to question your judgment, then …

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30 Nov 2001, 23:19 p.m.

Wow, a Friday night alone and decisions on a whim.…

Wow, a Friday night alone and decisions on a whim. I wrote some emails and surfed the web in the OCF, ate a burger and read more of The One Best Way at Smart Alec's, …

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30 Nov 2001, 15:58 p.m.

It's a week like this that makes me wish I…

It's a week like this that makes me wish I were going to a concert tonight. But I'm going to see Ghost World instead, thanks to the special Friday night movie showings that SUPERB puts …

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30 Nov 2001, 15:55 p.m.

Bem, ranting on how his professor reacted to a query:…

Bem, ranting on how his professor reacted to a query: "Not only that, he's wrong."

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30 Nov 2001, 13:08 p.m.

Last night I attended the Undergraduate Political Science Association trivia…

Last night I attended the Undergraduate Political Science Association trivia game. Two undergraduate students and two graduate students answered trivia questions on politics and on pop culture. A diverting event, even if I couldn't tell …

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30 Nov 2001, 12:54 p.m.

The end of this FAQ gives a lot away. …

The end of this FAQ gives a lot away.

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30 Nov 2001, 12:38 p.m.

Paul Conrad has won three Pulitzers. I weep for…

Paul Conrad has won three Pulitzers. I weep for journalism. You know, somehow Jim Borgman finds the time to draw Zits every day and draw political cartoons that are, unlike Conrad's work, reliably political cartoons …

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